Ways YOU Can Help

Estate Planning

Casa Franciscana Outreach Accepts Funds from your Stock Portfolio Directly from Charles Schwab, Fidelity Investments & Others

Donor-advised funds (DAF) are the fastest-growing charitable giving vehicle in the United States because they
are one of the easiest and most tax-advantageous ways to give to a charity. When you contribute cash,
securities or other assets through a DAF to a public charity, like Casa Franciscana Outreach, you are generally
eligible to take an immediate tax deduction. Then those funds can be invested for tax-free growth and given as
“grants” to us as an IRS-qualified public charity.

We’re excited to announce our ability to use the DAF Direct option within Charles Schwab, Fidelity
Investments and BYN Mellon for an automated deposit. Just login into your investment account and select
the DAF option or click the link, select your investment company and it will take you to your account -

If you don’t use those investment options, you may donate by working with your investment company to
manually direct your donation to our account noted below.

By Gift of Stock:
Financial Institution: LPL Financial
DTC #: 0075
Account Name: Casa Franciscana Outreach (TIN: 86-0609895)
Account Number: 56037140


As wonderful as our missionaries are, they are only human and sometimes become tired, frustrated, angry or sad. Please pray that God will continue to give them the grace, the will and the energy to serve. Follow this link to the Missionaries’ Prayer and please consider incorporating them and the people they minister to in your daily prayers:

Amazon Smile

More and more people shop Amazon for everything from food items to the latest electronic fad.   The Amazon Smile Program contributes a percent of select Amazon purchases to the charity of your choice.  It does not cost you anything.  Casa Franciscana Outreach is one of the listed charities.  For more information and to register go to: https://smile.amazon.com/

Matching Funds

Thousands of employers match their employees’ charitable contributions.  Some also match contributions for retirees.   This does not cost you anything but a few minutes and could substantially  impact the Mission programs.   Investigate if your employer matches donations and what you must do to include the Casa Franciscana Outreach.  Employers may verify your donation by emailing to casafranciscanaoutreach@gmail.com or ground mail at CFO, P.O. Box 15576, Scottsdale, AZ 85267.  Remember, we are a U.S. 501C3 nonprofit organization.  A partial list of matching employers is found at our Corporate Matching Gifts page.

Shriners’ Medical Mission

For over 30 years the Mission has screened, arranged visas, provided transportation and coordinated care with Shriners International for the treatment of children from Guaymas  with specific infirmities.   If you live in the area of the Franciscan Renewal Center, Scottsdale, and can house a parent and child overnight about four times a year, please contact Mary Lemionet at marylemionet@live.com.  It is not necessary to speak Spanish.


If you become aware of a grant or other funding opportunities for which the CFO may be eligible, we would appreciate it if you would email the information to us at casafranciscanaoutreach@gmail.com

Donations may be made in several ways to the Casa Franciscana Outreach.

By Mail:

Casa Franciscana Outreach
PO BOX 15576
Scottsdale, AZ 85267

By Internet:

We have one-time or monthly recurring options available.

Click here to donate.

By Wire:

Bank: ZB, N.A. dba National Bank of Arizona
Address: 6001 N. 24th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85016
Account Name: Casa Franciscana Outreach
Routing Number: 1221-0532-0
Beneficiary Account Number: 5795169266
Reference (optional): Invoice #, Attention to, In Honor of, Designated Project

(Please let us know via email of your intended gift so that we may confirm its deposit)

By Gift of Stock:

Financial Institution: LPL Financial
DTC #: 0075
Account Name: Casa Franciscana Outreach (TIN: 86-0609895)
Account Number: 56037140

(Please let us know via email of your intended gift so that we may confirm its deposit)



For your records, our Tax Identification Number is 86-0609895.


Thank you for helping us to care for God’s poor! Until we are heavenly minded we are no earthly good.
