Feed the Hungry

Helen Houser • October 2, 2021

My dear brothers and sisters,                                                                October, 2021

As the Transitus (passing from this life to the next) of St. Francis approaches , I reflect on the Janet Sullivan Whitaker verse: The hungry, the lonely, the forgotten, the neglected, abandoned, invisible, the homeless, the battered, the frightened, the hopeless, the dying.  All of these are Me.

These are the people that we serve at the Casa Franciscana Mission.  These are your brothers and sisters to whom you opened your Franciscan hearts by supporting our programs.

As COVID is still with us and most of our in-house services remain closed, we continue to venture into the marginalized areas with our “meals on heels”.  Yes, we are carrying food boxes, medicines, mobility devices, bedding and spiritual care on foot.  In the past the food boxes were primarily for the elderly and disabled.  Now we also find single mothers with small children, young teenagers whose parents have died during the pandemic, widows – the forgotten ones.

My heart is heavy from seeing such poverty and need.  So I am reaching out to you to help us to help the forgotten ones. They deserve some relief from their daily burdens that we cannot even imagine.  You can help to provide that relief.

In addition to their direct needs, we need to protect our staff.  This requires personal protective equipment (PPE) such as masks, gloves, gowns, disposable bags, cleaning supplies – all are at a premium.  

I am asking you for twenty-five dollars ($25) to allow us to continue.   Donations can be made online:           


send to PO Box 15576,Scottsdale, AZ 85267

Let us show these abandoned that God has not forgotten them.  Surely, God will remember what you did for His children in His name at the time of your transitus.   As I pray for the poor, I also pray in thanksgiving for you.  Please, pray for the people we serve and for the protection of our staff in this ministry. 

With the love of St. Francis and peace and all good,

Fr. Martin Ibarra, OFM

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