A nativity scene with a star in the sky
By Rick Rusch December 3, 2024
Over 800 years ago, St. Francis of Assisi created the first Nativity scene to convey the true meaning of Christmas.
A man with glasses and a beard is wearing a brown robe
By Rick Rusch September 14, 2024
As we approach St. Francis’s Transitus, we are reminded of his attention to the sick. Every year, on the third evening of October, Franciscans ritually remember Francis of Assisi’s passing from this life into God as a reminder to renew one’s commitment to follow Christ in the way of the poor man from Assisi. It’s heartbreaking… The post Transitus of Saint Francis of Assisi appeared first on Casa Franciscana Outreach.
A man is standing in a garden surrounded by plants and trees.
By Mark Hiland August 21, 2024
During Saint Francis’s lifetime, he once encountered a vast and beautiful wildflower meadow, which deeply captivated him. He saw it as a powerful symbol of living in a way that respects and honors nature as God’s creation. I nspired by this experience, he envisioned and encouraged Friars to create a garden – a harmonious blend of plants, including fruit trees and strategically positioned rows of vegetables that would bloom and flourish, providing nourishment. When the Casa Franciscana Outreach (CFO) first initiated the Home Garden Project , the goal was to cultivate these gardens and promote self-sufficiency and a healthier living by providing nourishment, as Saint Francis had encouraged the Friars to do. The end goal was to inspire more families to establish similar green spaces. To do this, it was necessary to provide the first 12 families with essential resources such as seeds, young trees, tools, fencing, and a water tank. Earlier in the year, a group of pilgrims from Arizona traveled to Guaymas to support the Franciscan Mission. During their visit, they assisted those in need of home care and stopped by Don José’s house, one of the first recipients of the Home Garden Project. When we entered Don José’s backyard, he proudly showed us his garden. It was filled with vegetables thriving in the scorching sun. He pointed out his tomato plants, which were starting to bloom. Don José has been tending to his backyard garden for a few years now. His hard work yields fresh produce to support himself and his family, and he also sells excess produce in his neighborhood to generate additional income to cover other household expenses. Projects such as the Home Garden can bring a community together by offering access to fresh, homegrown produce and pointing local residents toward a healthier and sustainable alternative lifestyle. Allocating funds for the provision of essential resources is necessary to expand these gardens to additional families. Would you consider making a generous donation to respect and honor Saint Francis’s vision? “The triumph of a garden is not only a personal achievement but also a vital legacy to be passed down to future generations supporting the people in Guaymas, Mexico.” - Fr. Martin Ibarra, OFM
By Mark Hiland June 26, 2024
My dear sisters and brothers, ASK THESE CHILDREN IF WE ARE MAKING ADIFFERENCE!! Each year we discover more children deprived of education becausethey don’t have shoes to attend class. Last year you opened yourhearts AND a path out of poverty for 2,150 children. You fundedshoes giving them the opportunity to go to school, 32% more… The post Shoes Make a BIG Difference every year in Guaymas appeared first on Casa Franciscana Outreach.
A young boy is holding a pair of shoes that say asics
By Helen Houser June 14, 2024
From Fr. Martin Ibarra OFM< Each year we discover more children deprived of education because they don’t have shoes to attend class.Last year you opened your hearts AND a path out of poverty for 2,150 children. You funded shoes giving them the opportunity to go to school, 32% more than 2023!!! We are also seeing… The post Ask These Children: Are We Making a Difference? appeared first on Casa Franciscana Outreach.
A woman is standing in a garden holding a shovel.
By Helen Houser April 17, 2024
St. Francis was known for his love of nature and he had a deep commitment to the care of creation. Some consider him the original Earth Day advocate. There are many stories of his friendship with animals including the wild wolf of Gubbio. While we are not recommending that you attempt to befriend a wild… The post What on Earth Are You Doing for Earth Day appeared first on Casa Franciscana Outreach.
A black door with a cross on it and the letter s on it.
By Mark Hiland March 20, 2024
My dear sisters and brothers, There is a door at the Mission that, due to its design, we call the Resurrection Door. However, I think ofit as the Resurrection Door because of all the lives that have risen from pain and hopelessness throughour programs. A few examples are: the volunteer at the Meson who is… The post The Resurrection Door appeared first on Casa Franciscana Outreach.
Two people are standing under a tree with leaves
By Helen Houser March 1, 2024
Generally, all distributions from IRA (excluding Roth) and 401(k) accounts are included in taxable income. An exception is available for donors who are 70 ½ or older under the qualified charitable distribution (QCD) rule. Those donors can direct amounts from their IRA and 401(k) accounts to qualified charities and exclude the donated amount from taxable income. Casa… The post Save Taxes Through Donations From Your IRA appeared first on Casa Franciscana Outreach.
A little boy is getting his hair cut by a person behind a chain link fence.
By Mark Hiland November 28, 2023
We are all familiar with the story of Baby Jesus asleep in the manager with parents and a guiding star to provide protection, love, and care – every child’s need and hope.  Four year old Sergito’s and six year old Carlita’s story is very different. One day he and his sister walked hand in hand… The post A Guiding Light? appeared first on Casa Franciscana Outreach.
A man is sitting on a bench writing on a piece of paper
By Mark Hiland November 28, 2023
On October 6, 2023 I was honored to attend the ceremony where our beloved Fr. Martin became a U.S. citizen. It was on his 19-year journey to citizenship that he was guided to a parish in San Jose, CA. where he was introduced to the Franciscans and found his vocation!  The citizenship ceremony was amazing as… The post Our New United States Citizen appeared first on Casa Franciscana Outreach.
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