Planting a New Tree of Life

Helen Houser • April 20, 2022
A man is holding a bible in front of a group of people.

One of the Franciscan values is care for creation which includes Mother Earth.  In observance of Earth Day, Fr. Martin and his team gathered in a rural neighborhood outside of Guaymas where some of the poorest of the poor live. They were there to launch a new pilot project – to plant fruit trees.  Even though the Guaymas area boasts large commercial agriculture, so many children and adults have diet deficiencies due to lack of vitamins found in fruit. Studies show that vitamin poor diets often go hand in hand with obesity and other chronic conditions.

Fr. Martin, staff and volunteers with Francisco Lopez and George Sabol (two CFO board members) worked all day to build a concrete base for a non-potable water tank, to install and to fill the tank, to dig holes for the small trees, to plant them, to fertilize them and lastly, to bless them. Other seeds were also purchased and planted – squash and corn are examples.  The hope is that the fruit and vegetables will not only provide wholesome vitamin rich food for the neighborhood but perhaps, in the future, grow large enough for the gardeners to sell some of their produce to other villages.

If this pilot project is successful, “seed money” (yes, Fr. Tommy, a pun in your honor) will be provided for other orchards and gardens. This is another version of “if you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. If you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.”. The idea is that by teaching our brothers and sisters to grow fruits and vegetables and giving  them the means to accomplish it; they, themselves, will produce healthier happier lives.

As YOU share in the abundance of our Mother Earth, please remember those who have little.  One way of observing Earth Day 2022 is to offer a prayer and a donation to the Casa Franciscana Mission for them.  This is also caring for creation.

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