Shoes Make a BIG Difference every year in Guaymas

My dear sisters and brothers,


Each year we discover more children deprived of education because
they don’t have shoes to attend class. Last year you opened your
hearts AND a path out of poverty for 2,150 children. You funded
shoes giving them the opportunity to go to school, 32% more than
2023!!! We are also seeing more of the children that we serve go on
to middle and secondario (a form of high school) schools.

We, Franciscans, are known as Master Beggars. So once again, I
am asking for your generosity to buy shoes for children to go to
school. I wish that you could experience, in person, the joy of a
child receiving new shoes. What a simple blessing to provide and
a way to participate in God’s work!

This is also a great summer project for your children to earn money toward shoes for a boy
or girl, perhaps their age, living in dire poverty.

Our team physically goes out to the camps and neighborhoods measuring feet and
accommodating sizes. Although these feet are tinier, in some ways, it reminds me of Christ
washing the feet of his beloved disciples. Twenty-five dollars ($25) will allow us to provide a
pair of new shoes that fit properly. Our exchange rate is less favorable than in the past.

Donations can be made online at:
send to PO Box 15576, Scottsdale, AZ 85267

Do not take your own blessings for granted. Make a true difference in a young life. As I pray
for the poor, I also pray in thanksgiving for you. Christ will surely smile on you for bringing
smiles to His children.

Peace and all good,

Fr. Martin Ibarra

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