The Shriners help Jose walk again

Mark Hiland • August 19, 2021

Jose has cerebral palsy. 

A young boy with crutches in a parking lot

He was totally incapacitated and difficult for his family to care for him with his misshapen legs.  After treatment through the Shriners, he is able to walk with lightweight molded braces and special crutches that clip to his arms. 

Jose is happy to attend school and to continue to receive treatment.  As he grows, he receives new custom braces and crutches.  In addition to partnering with the Shriners for Jose’s treatment, braces and crutches, the CFO shoe program has provided the new shoes to fit the new braces each time they are changed. 

If you ask Jose his favorite part of the Shriners’ visits he will tell you it is finding pine cones on the Franciscan Renewal Center grounds.  He had never seen a pine cone!  This young man loves gathering them and taking them home to family and friends.  Perhaps we have a budding botanist in the works!

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