Farewell to Fr. Elias, a Mission Icon
A New Year’s tradition is to bid farewell to those who have passed in the closing year and on December 23, 2018
Fr. Elias Galvez left us. Given his life of good works, we are sure that he is now enjoying the presence of his Father and his beloved St. Francis.
This quiet friar with a mischievous smile came to the Casa Franciscana Mission in 1991 serving for 25 years. Each morning at 5 AM he could be found in front of the Casa “administrative” building distributing food to those in most need. His pastoral ministry to the children in the schools and his regular visits to the CERESO prison are legendary. He also had a special tenderness toward the elderly. Every morning at 7:00 a.m., he would go to the Asilo to say Mass. He always spent time talking and providing comfort to this often forgotten population.
His humble and simple ways demonstrated love and caring in everything he did. In return, he was greatly loved by the people of Guaymas. In 2015, due to deteriorating health, he returned to his hometown of Tucson but never forgot his beloved Casa Franciscana.
To honor him, the Friars and the people that he served will celebrate a special Mass on January 3rd in Guaymas. He was an amazing person and will be missed by our community.
Please remember his family and the poor that he ministered to in your prayers. Donations to Casa Franciscana Outreach can be made in his name.
God give you well deserved rest and peace, Elias, for a life dedicated to His service. Well done, brother!!