Diabetes Impact on the Poor

My dear sisters and brothers,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Mexico’s marginalized populations are at higher risk of developing diseases like diabetes – a sickness costly to manage for low-income individuals. Mexico has a diabetic rate of 1 in 6 adults. With the poor, it is higher resulting in heartbreaking disability, amputations, kidney failure, blindness, heart disease and inability…

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Casa Franciscana Featured in International Magazine

Photo by Rick Rusch: San Xavier Mission Tucson, AZ on the way to Casa Franciscana, Guaymas, MX Eclair is an international magazine about celebrities, fashion, art and beauty . So how did the article, Humanitarian  Travel: A Journey of Impact and Hope (Volume 41 Issue 184) , about the Casa Franciscana Mission happen to be…

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Imagine never having a pair of shoes

My dear sisters and brothers,SHOES! Imagine never having a pair of shoes or imaginesharing shoes with siblings to take turns going to school!! Each year we discover more children deprived of educationdue to not having shoes to attend class. Last year you openedyour hearts AND opened a path out of poverty for1,467children by funding shoes…

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Home Gardens sustain life in Guaymas

My dear sisters and brothers,                                                                                                Last year we started a pilot project of home gardens that was an overwhelming success! This is another version of “if you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. If you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime”. The idea…

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Mothers’ Day Amazon Delivery: Casa Franciscana Style

The Casa Franciscana Mission brought tears of gratitude, smiles of happiness and a message of God’s love to almost 400 mothers amongst the poor and elderly. Many of these women are grandmothers raising grandchildren. The Mission staff and volunteers went out to the barrios and walked through dirt, ruts and stones to hand deliver flowers,…

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Earth Day: Are You Sharing Your Bounty

In August 2022, we wrote to you about the first harvest of the home gardens in Guaymas funded and mentored by the Casa Franciscana Outreach. There are now ten gardens with accessible water tanks! The families are not only enjoying fresh healthy vegetables and the pride of growing them but they are sharing their bounty…

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Mission of Hope: A Family’s Story

Teresita Hernandez Uribe and her son Jesus use the Mesón de Jesús dining room regularly. Tere, as we call her, is 36 years old and she has been going to our Mesón for about eight years. She has two children, but one of them, 13-year-old Luisito, moved with his grandmother to Mazatlan because his family…

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Love is the Legacy: A Grandmother’s Story

Elvia Dolores Apodaca is a regular guest at our dining hall, the Mesón de Jesús, which translates into the “Table of Christ.” Typically, she comes to receive breakfast and takes food home afterward for her grandchildren. We know her as Lolita, and at 59 years old, she has been dining with us for more than…

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A Mission Transformation

The Casa Franciscana Guaymas has undergone an extraordinary transformation during these last three years. Fr. Martin Ibarra has challenged us to take our services out to all the local and neighboring communities to reach the people who need our help the most.  We have transitioned what was an internal operation before the pandemic into an…

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